Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Blue by Joni Mitchell is the Greatest Album Of All TIME*

Just a few reasons:

1. The songs are spectacular. They are proper poems set to music, not just a bunch of clichés or random words - I heard a bit of Ed Sheeran on the Jubilee Concert and he sang a lyric about someone’s face being like pastry. WTF.

2. The songs are wonderful to sing, they fill you with joy or hope or sadness. (Just thinking about the songs has me fighting the urge to go “YOU’RE IN MY BLOOD LIKE HOOOOOLY WINE”)

3. Every song is so real and raw that she could be singing the songs directly from her soul. I watched a documentary where she said she felt like cellophane when she was making blue: "there's hardly a dishonest note in the vocals. At that period of my life, I had no personal defenses. I felt like a cellophane wrapper on a pack of cigarettes. I felt like I had absolutely no secrets from the world and I couldn't pretend in my life to be strong. Or to be happy. But the advantage of it in the music was that there were no defenses there either."

4. There is a song or lyric for nearly every possible mood:

What it feels like to be in love? TICK
What it feels like when love dies? TICK
Wanting to go and drink? TICK
Needing change? TICK
Wanting to go home? TICK
Feeling disillusioned? TICK
Feeling Christmassy? TICK (kind of... Christmas is mentioned)
Feeling hopeful? TICK
Thinking about the child you gave up for adoption? TICK

5. It’s by Joni Mitchell which means it’s sung by Joni Mitchell which means it’s excellent.


*of the ones I've heard so far....

Thursday, 2 February 2012

I'll be your Emmylou

I heard this song on Lauren Laverne’s radio show and I liked it...and then I properly listened to the lyrics and realised that they reference Gram Parsons!! I have a weird secret love for Gram Parsons. I'm just going to keep singing this song over and over again and offering to be Emmylou Harris if someone will be Gram Parsons for me! 

Here are the Emmylou & Gram (I love Dad music)

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


I know that this is not a popularly held view, but that’s only because people are fools... and most people don’t have their birthday in February!

I do get why people hate February, it feels like the winter will never end and the only thing we have to distract ourselves is Valentine’s Day, which people hate as well! I only like it because it’s the day after my birthday which means that I get to have 2 days of presents (lucky Paul) and I get to have lots of unnecessarily heart-shaped things! From where I’m sitting I can see a heart-shaped bucket, a heart-shaped mirror, a heart-shaped tin, several hearts on my wall and 3 scarves with hearts on... oh dear. *update: just seen a heart picture frame*

I’ve decided that this February is going to be the very best so far. The sky is a beautiful colour today, I’m feeling hopeful and it might even snow soon!

Here is my contribution to your Fabulous February:

A little Beatles playlist because they are obviously not on spotify or grooveshark (what can I say? they need the money)

and another playlist (because I like making them) 

February by Frances Scott on Grooveshark

p.s. If you get bored have a look at my photo-a-day for February on Instagram
p.p.s. Don't judge my age from my music choices...I'm going to be 23 (shit) not 55

Saturday, 17 September 2011

On a happier note...

So yesterday I posted the most depressing song about moving in with someone and getting married, sorry about that. Here's the song I listen to when I need a bit of optimism in my day:

Thursday, 7 July 2011

I don't even care that the lyrics make no sense.

I could have loved you girl
Like a planet
I could have chained your heart
To a star

But it really doesn't matter at all
No it really doesn't matter at all
Life's a gas,
I hope it's gonna last

I could have built a house
On the ocean
I could have placed your love
In the sky.

But it really doesn't matter at all
No it really doesn't matter at all
Life's a gas,
I hope it's gonna last

I could have turned you
Into a priestess
I could have burned
Your fate in the sand

But it really doesn't matter at all
No it really doesn't matter at all
Life's a gas,

But it really doesn't matter at all
No it really doesn't matter at all
Life's a gas,
I hope it's gonna last

But it really doesn't matter at all
No it really doesn't matter at all
Life's a gas.